There are 86 item(s) tagged with the keyword "LGIM".
Displaying: 11 - 20 of 86
Several major factors are weighing on economic growth today. How could these problems be resolved, and how likely are we to see solutions?
Upside inflation surprises have weighed on markets all year, but as inflation and growth fall, so could bond yields.
According to one Fed governor, ‘purple squirrels’ (false vacancies) are distorting US job postings. But the relationship between unemployment and vacancies will be key to determining whether a soft landing is achievable in the US.
Financial advisers are facing an increasingly complex universe of sustainability regulations. We have created a guide to help you understand these regulatory changes, as well as how LGIM can provide support.
The past month saw a rapid shift in markets from worrying about inflation to worrying about growth. How should investors balance the risks?
Numerous factors are putting upward pressure on prices in Japan, and the yen is acting as an escape valve for the central bank's yield curve control policy.
While the precious metal appears expensive on valuation grounds, heightened risk aversion has led to additional demand from central banks.
The taper tantrum of 2013 showed how sensitive emerging markets (EMs) were to higher US rates, but there are some important differences this time around.
We need to remain humble and nimble as we assess the changing investment landscape and seek to fulfil our purpose: to create a better future through responsible investing.
As this is the first time since the 1980s that inflation has been a challenge, our Asset Allocation team has turned their four steps to navigate inflation in portfolios into a practical inflation toolkit to provide additional support that aims to help protect client portfolios.
Displaying: 11 - 20 of 86