Search Result(s)

There are 72 item(s) tagged with the keyword "abrdn".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 72

US logistics and industrials: shifting sands in the supply chain

There is an ongoing shift in logistics away from the West Coast in the US. Read more about our views.

Tags: abrdn, Real Estate
Choosing an outsourced investment solution needn't be taxing

Multi-asset fund or managed portfolio service? We explore the key considerations.

Tags: abrdn
Asia opportunities amid global slow-growth environment

Asia holds significant potential for long-term investors and the region is expected to outperform the US once the Fed starts cutting rates. Here’s why…

Tags: abrdn, ASIA-PACIFIC
Why size isn't everything as smaller companies show how to lead the way

Why size isn’t everything as Thomas Watts discusses the opportunities smaller companies offer.

Tags: abrdn
Does 'Net Zero 2050' matter?

Unpicking company targets and transition risk. 

Tags: abrdn
Three ways to unlock opportunity in emerging-market equity income

Which emerging-market companies are capable of paying dividends over the long-term?

Tags: abrdn, Income
Real Estate: Navigating challenges, 3 big opportunities

Real estate investors have been left battered and bruised by interest-rate rises. Craig Wright reckons he can finally see light at the end of the tunnel, as valuations look attractive, ESG drives tenant demand and opportunities emerge for investors to offer property loans.

Tags: investment outlook, abrdn
Fixed Income: Can 2024 be the Year of the Bond?

All eyes are on when central banks will cut interest rates next year. Craig MacDonald discusses high-quality bonds, why he’s looking at the better banks, where the problems may arise and the prospects for emerging markets.

Tags: abrdn
Fund finance: a marriage of convenience for asset owners

We outline why now is a good time to participate in fund financing amid rising opportunities and improved risk-adjusted returns.

Tags: abrdn, Fixed Income
Offices: re-evaluating the FACTS

Flexibility, amenity, connectivity, technology and sustainability (FACTS) are key for future-fit offices. Read more about our views.

Tags: abrdn, Real Estate

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 72