RSMR Connected

RSMR Connected is a bank of valuable content and pertinent insights curated by the accomplished team at RSMR and select prominent fund management groups.

Our collection of articles, videos, thought leadership pieces, economic and market reviews, and podcasts is crafted to both inform and inspire, catering specifically to the needs of professional financial advisers.

02 Oct 2024

JP's Journal: US exceptionalism

US exceptionalism is a phrased used to explain why the US is different from other economies. The dynamism, reflected in...

17 Sep 2024

JP's Journal: Europe's dilemma

Having returned from a short cycling holiday in Dorset I can confirm that the countryside is beautiful and lush –...

16 Sep 2024

Asia Pacific equities: A "quality income" approach

Investment managers Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad explain their quality income style and discuss the company...