Search Result(s)

There are 40 item(s) tagged with the keyword "M&G".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 40

Commercial Aerospace and Defence: are dislocations leading to mis-priced opportunities?

Airlines face an uphill battle. The demand shock on the back of the COVID-19 pandemic has seen the Services sector hit particularly hard in this downturn, not least the Commercial Aerospace industry. It’s difficult to read the latest headlines without encountering a story on potential airline bankruptcies, mass job losses and urgent bids for government assistance. Some governments including the US and France have been more forthcoming here, but targeted rescue funds have come with strict conditions attached.

Tags: M&G
US Election 2020: Is it still the economy, stupid?

James Carville was candidate Bill Clinton’s chief strategist for the 1992 election. When asked to emphasise the single most important issue to voters, Carville responded: “It’s the economy, stupid!” 

Tags: M&G
The Covid-19 crisis and active management opportunities

While passive investments have grown in size and prominence in recent years, we believe there are several crucial advantages for investors in choosing active management when investing in fixed income during the current climate.

Tags: M&G
COVID-19: The inextricable link between human, animal and ecosystem health

As the novel coronavirus outbreak continues to cross the globe, and while we try to adapt and manage the risk, mitigate the economic impact and heed scientific advice, questions remain.

Tags: M&G, Sector/specialist, sustainability
Living in the future: Are equity markets at odds with the economics?

With lockdown continuing and the tone of news flow deteriorating, it can be hard to reconcile the recent bounce in equity markets with how we may feel personally.

Tags: M&G, behavioural finance, markets
Webcast: Global Macro Bond Fund - Copy

Listen on demand to Jim Leaviss, Fund Manager of the M&G Global Macro Bond Fund, as he discusses the outlook for the global bond and currency markets, and provides an update on the fund's key positioning themes, including its duration, credit risk and currency exposures.

Tags: M&G
Emerging market bonds in the time of coronavirus

Emerging markets have recently seen other impacts than the tragic ones of COVID-19 outbreaks on their societies and economies, with spreads widening considerably. Three factors have been at play. First, was a rapid sell-off in global stock markets that followed the realisation that the global economy is heading for a recession. Second, investors shifted to intense risk aversion and the demand …

Tags: M&G, emerging markets
China: the virus, the economy, the markets

The Chinese market has held up remarkably well since this crisis began. In fact, it’s one of the best performing equity markets globally, which is perhaps surprising given that the virus originated there and, indeed, the Chinese economy has always been perceived to be a proxy for global economic growth.

Tags: M&G, markets, Economy
Corona-Crunch: one of the most violent corrections on record

A lot can change in a month. While many of us grapple with the new daily regime of lockdowns, remote working, home schooling and scouring the shops for that last fabled toilet roll, it’s worth taking a moment to review what has happened to credit markets over the past few weeks. Even in social isolation, one would be hard pressed to miss news headlines reporting the sell off in equities and…

Tags: M&G
COVID-19: Jewel in the Crown?

In a few short months – a term, hitherto only commonplace in the scientific community, has become firmly entrenched in our collective dialogue. The rapid spread of information (and misinformation) related to the coronavirus, so…

Tags: M&G, markets, Economy, Sector/specialist

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 40