Search Result(s)

There are 38 item(s) tagged with the keyword "J O Hambro Capital Management".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 38

Strong growth holds back rate cuts

Sticky inflation and growth surprising on the upside are delaying rate cuts, while market performance remains narrow

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, European Equities
It's the Dollar, Stupid

As an asset class, emerging equity markets are substantially driven by two broad global drivers: global end-demand and trade, and US dollar interest rates and liquidity. While individual markets will have their own business and credit cycles and political environments, these are always interacting with the main global drivers. One of the challenges for investors in the asset class at the present time is the differing signals these are sending.

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, Emerging Markets Equities
From the Mild to the Wild - Episode 1

20 Years in the UK Stock Market with Clive Beagles and James Lowen

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, UK Equity Income
The Good Life in Non-Life

Non-life insurers in medium-sized markets benefit from improving efficiencies in strong franchises

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, Global Equities
Is Double Materiality Decoupling?

Is the pursuit of profit ever compatible with social and environmental challenges?

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, General News
Remember Remittances - Copy

Remittances have been the largest source of external finance flows to developing countries ex-China

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, Emerging Markets Equities
Keeping Energy Live

There are layers of change happening in the energy sector, making it a fascinating area of opportunity

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, Global Equities
Holding the Course

Investing in structural growth at the right valuation point

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, UK Equities
Strong Economies, Falling Rates

Rates in Mexico and Brazil are coming down. Despite cautious guidance, we believe further cuts will be ahead of consensus 

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, Emerging Markets Equities
A Shrinking Market Brings Short-term Gains But Longer-term Pains

The UK stock market is currently analogous to a melting ice-lolly – the number of stocks and the aggregate market cap is falling. There’s a triangle of factors at play here, including mergers and acquisitions (M&A), share buybacks and companies leaving the UK market. 

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, UK Equities

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 38