Search Result(s)

There are 5 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Central Banks".

Displaying: 1 - 5 of 5

Deglobalisation is just getting started

The US has pivoted towards protectionism and industrial intervention. The presidential election will help determine the speed of deglobalisation.

Tags: LGIM, Asset allocation, United States, Productivity, Politics, Election, China, Asia, Central banks
Podcast: Curve inversion, credit and China

Just when investors thought inflation was under control, short-dated bond yields are on the rise again as the possibility of higher rates from central banks looms large. But what's the impact on other asset classes? Find out in the latest episode of Market Talk.

Tags: LGIM, podcast, Recession, inflation, Central Banks
Is King Dollar's reign at an end?

Probably, but the more important question is whether a weaker dollar has already been priced in by markets.   

Tags: LGIM, US Dollar, Central banks
From a rock to a hard place: forget inflation, growth is now the big fear

The past month saw a rapid shift in markets from worrying about inflation to worrying about growth. How should investors balance the risks?

Tags: LGIM, interest rates, Central Banks, Energy
The curve that's crying wolf

The yield-curve boy is crying wolf, raising recession fears. But the villagers at central banks have responded to dangers already.

Tags: Central Banks, Recession, US, Growth

Displaying: 1 - 5 of 5